What Works Best to End Homelessness?
Updated (view update, below): Photo: An old homelessness awareness vigil poster (of mine): Housing removes "less" from homeless In 2013, after four (4) years of being permanently housed since my last go around that had lasted twelve (12) lengthy and grueling years of living unhoused (aka homeless ), I penned a commentary piece within which I posed the question within the title of it asking what works best to end homelessness (via vtdigger ), here , and stated: [...] I have been extremely supportive of “housing first” models and most especially Pathways Vermont, which serves this small rural state well. The fact is, it works. [...] Nothing has changed my mind concerning these matters. It is still what I believe. Permanent, affordable, safe and decent housing works where most other methods fall short or fail. In fact, the housing first model is still considered the best approach to ending homelessness (via Urban Institute, Housing Matters ; February 14, 2024), here : [...] ...