
Medical Update

With apologies for not being able to post for a while, however, among other things that had been going on these last few months, I had been unable to gain access to my laptop computer for about two months or so for some reason, until now. For those not already in the know and without going into all of the specific details within this particular blog post of mine, in late November of last year I had gone to the emergency room at the Central Vermont Medical Center (CVMC), was admitted and stayed in one of the units there for two full weeks. Had been diagnosed with, among other things, a malignant cancerous tumor in my lower colon, which as it turns out might or might not be operable. Various potential treatment options were mentioned and discussed, including surgery, as well as radiation and chemo; if I understood correctly, the latter two of those treatments would be done five days a week over the course of four weeks, on an outpatient basis at CVMC, possibly followed by continued chem...

Quote: "Where liberty dwells, ..." (In Honor of Veterans Day)

Photo (click onto image to view enlargement): Cropped portion of a poster within a sheltered bus stop on the McDonald's restaurant side of the Barre-Montpelier Road (Route 302), posted by Green Mountain Transit  (GMT), regarding the public transportation company being closed for Veterans Day next Monday (November 11, 2024). The quote caught my eye, it reads: "Where liberty dwells, there is my country."     --- Benjamin Franklin However, as the above quote would appear to imply (to my way of thinking), it's not merely in the country or land where liberty might dwell, even more vital, it dwells most deeply within the hearts and souls of those who live there, across both the political as well as social spectrum(s), thanks to those who have faithfully served their nation from its founding up to the present day as well as those who serve into the future. According to the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) History of Veterans Day informational Webpage ( here ): [...] ...

Prose: Times of High Anxiety

  Times of High Anxiety (some causes and potential remedies) Chaos Conflict Deceit Doubt Evil Fear Grief Hate Heartache Hopelessness Injustice Loneliness Prejudice Regret Rejection Resentment Treachery  Uncertainty Unknowns Violence War Wrath Versus Harmony Truce Honesty Confidence Benevolence Faith Comfort Love Satisfaction Hope Justice Companionship Tolerance Contentment Acceptance Understanding Devotion Assurance Routine Nonviolence Peace Serenity In the end, like with most things  in life, whether it be on a personal or societal basis,  often it comes down to simply reaping what is sown. Either one brings out the best within oneself as well as others  or, otherwise, the worse. Sow distrust, reap distrust. Sow trust, reap trust. Sow hate, reap hate. Sow love, reap love. Sow rage, reap rage. Sow tranquility, reap tranquility.  In most of the above listed instances, the former foments severe anxiety, while the latter can usually abate it.  by Morgan W...

Lifeline Program Cell Phone Service Provider Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges of Fraud

  Screenshot, via Q Link Wireless Website (click onto image to view enlargement): Q Link Wireless and its former CEO pleaded guilty to federal charges of fraud earlier this month, here (via US Department of Justice; DOJ) as well as related newspaper coverage  here   (via Miami Herald ) , here   (via South Florida Sun Sentinel ;   behind paywall) and, here   (via South Florida Business Journal ; behind paywall). For more information concerning these and related matters, view a related archived video (via YouTube):  Hello Mobile, Q Link CEO Guilty of $100 million Lifeline Fraud, A.I. Experimental Podcast (via We Talk Wireless ): View a related text version (via We Talk Wireless ; 10/17/2024; related key excerpt), here : [...] What’s Next For Hello Mobile and Q-Link? The fate of Hello Mobile and Q-Link as wireless providers seems to involve a takeover by StandUp Wireless, another Lifeline provider. Reddit users of both Hello Mobile and Q-Link report rec...

Archived Video: Vermont Interfaith Action: Conversation with Gubernatorial Candidates (2024)

Archived Video: Vermont Interfaith Action: 2024 Vermont Gubernatorial Conversation with Candidates: Check out the Vermont Interfaith Action Website to learn more about their organization as well as their tireless efforts and work on behalf of citizens and communities across the state. List of candidates running for the office of Governor of Vermont in the 2024 general election (via Ballotpedia), here .

Commentary: Revisiting Mental Health Treatment within Vermont

Photo: Vermont State House (taken by Morgan W. Brown). Revisiting Mental Health Treatment within Vermont The very nature of self-determination as well as independence would seem to dictate not merely having freedom of choice, but rather also include both the freedom and the right to ensure one's self-defined and self-expressed wishes, choices and decisions are not defined, limited, narrowed or controlled by outside influences, no matter how well-intended or well-meaning. Each person needs to decide as well as do what is best for themselves and, as such, they are the only one who actually knows what that is during any given moment or circumstance. When it comes to health care and, most particularly concerning mental health treatment and related matters, save (i.e., except for retaining one's own) true and actual freedom of choice regarding such decisions, this means that like most anything else in this life there are truly no absolutes, nor should there be any imposed on any pe...

Commentary: Thoughts on Political Leadership: Safeguarding The Bottom Line

  P hoto: Person living unhoused outdoors resting on a bench in Montpelier, the capital city of Vermont (photo shared with the direct consent of the person pictured; image credit: Morgan W. Brown). Thoughts on Political Leadership: Safeguarding The Bottom Line Screenshot, via Google Search (term: safeguarding meaning). Screenshot, via Merriam Webster Dictionary (term: bottom line; click onto image to view enlargement). When it comes to governing and providing sorely needed political leadership, particularly during times of financial troubles as well as when there is a serious humanitarian and social crisis, at least to my way of thinking as a layperson, the main concerns as well as top priorities of an elected politician or otherwise a candidate seeking political office should not merely be about the administration and management of government, but rather be toward providing proper leadership, particularly and most importantly when balancing competing as well as diverse interests a...