Quote: "Where liberty dwells, ..." (In Honor of Veterans Day)
Photo (click onto image to view enlargement): Cropped portion of a poster within a sheltered bus stop on the McDonald's restaurant side of the Barre-Montpelier Road (Route 302), posted by Green Mountain Transit (GMT), regarding the public transportation company being closed for Veterans Day next Monday (November 11, 2024). The quote caught my eye, it reads: "Where liberty dwells, there is my country." --- Benjamin Franklin However, as the above quote would appear to imply (to my way of thinking), it's not merely in the country or land where liberty might dwell, even more vital, it dwells most deeply within the hearts and souls of those who live there, across both the political as well as social spectrum(s), thanks to those who have faithfully served their nation from its founding up to the present day as well as those who serve into the future. According to the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) History of Veterans Day informational Webpage ( here ): [...] ...