Personal Missive: Dear Sorely Missed Loved One

Dear Sorely Missed Loved One,

Recently, it was your 38th birthday. 

Unfortunately, after years of lengthy separation between us during your youth and then having been joyously reunited for a time, due to an unintentional error of miscommunication and misunderstanding on my part, you and I have been out of contact for six (6) or more years.

As it turns out, you had changed your identity and tried to communicate that to me, including by using your new name as well as email address at the time; however, I did not realize it until months later when I eventually stumbled upon what had taken place unbeknownst to me at the time regarding these changes. If you had initially used your other, older, email address to do so, I must have either missed it or didn't understand, back then.

Please believe me and know as well as understand that I had not rejected you, nor the change of your identity, whatsoever. Rather, once I finally realized what had occurred, I fully embraced these and would you as well of course, if given the chance as well as opportunity to do so once again.

The deep love I have always had for you as well as your older sibling has never ceased, nor ever will. You are and always have been and always will be precious to me. That has never changed, nor will it no matter what.

If you are able to find it possible to reach out to me yet again, as you had done so many years ago prior our earlier reunification (due to your reading of a previous blog post of mine to you on your birthday on an old blog of mine at the time), please do.

If not, this will be understood.

If you are angry and upset at me however, that is fine, it shall be completely understood and, whatever the case might be, am hoping that we can eventually discuss these and related matters as well as anything else you might choose to communicate with me about.

It is sincerely hoped that you might find it within yourself somewhere as well as somehow to eventually forgive me of this mishap.

By the way, in case it might be of interest to you, I have since retired somewhat recently from the volunteer advocacy and activism previously engaged in (here; though I continue to write about various matters of concern, of course) and have been trying to reconnect with my artistic side, by once again dabbling in the arts (here). 

Progress with that front has been rather slow however (terribly so, really).


 Image: Screenshot of old computer generated artwork of mine from years ago.

Please know that I truly love you and always will.

Your most loving father,


Morgan W. Brown

Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Happy 38th Birthday! And, belated Happy Birthdays for all those missed in between as well. I love you, more than you might know or choose to believe.


Note: Since edited for the purposes of clarification and readability as well as removing certain personally identifying information as well as certain references for the sake of protecting privacy.


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