Heads Up: Roaming Santa Spreading Good Cheer & Holiday Spirit

Just a heads up to let folks know about how, weather permitting (i.e., when it is not raining), there will be a Santa randomly roaming the streets around town as well as local area at various times throughout each day during this week, through the late afternoon or possibly even early evening of Christmas Eve Day, to share and spread both good cheer as well as good will in the spirit of the holiday. 

Those who would like to have photos taken of either themselves, their family members, pets, co-workers or friends with Santa are welcome to do so, free (no charge; however, please make sure to bring along a camera or a cell phone that has a camera, because Santa won't have one on him to do so).

When they are able to do so and although no promises can be made, depending on their availability, they also hope to visit those places that will welcome him, whether it be businesses, offices or facilities and the like. 

Background: Someone graciously loaned the Santa suit and accessories when they had wanted to surprise their young granddaughter during a recent family visit. So, since the suit does not have to be returned until early next year (after being dry cleaned), they want to pay it forward.

(photos taken by kindly neighbors of mine last week)


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