Roaming Santa Report & Update (12/21st)

As had been tentatively planned, Santa went roaming on the streets of Montpelier, beginning early yesterday morning (Wednesday, December 20th), including having a light breakfast at one of the establishments located on the other side of the Winooski River prior to standing at the intersection of Route 2 and 12 (Main and Memorial Streets) greeting and waving to those passing by either by vehicles for a time and then once again at the intersection of State and Main Streets. Afterwards, Santa randomly roamed downtown here and there, stopping into a downtown establishment for a hot chocolate and also took lunch at the community meal site again. With that under his belt, he went down State Street, stopping into various places along the way, including visiting the State House and elsewhere here and there around downtown, before standing for another greet and wave at State and Main. As was the case the previous day, the reception received by those interacted with was quite encouraging and oftentimes festive as well as spirited. Several photos of or with Santa were taken yet again. However, having to take a break in order to rest, he went home and stayed put there rather than going out for another round later in the day.

In case you missed it, fyi:

Photos posted on Instagram:

Splash Naturals, here;

The North Branch Cafe, here;

Zutano Outlet Store, here.

In the News:

Barre-Montpelier Times Argus: Talk of the Town column (first item on page): Santa in the city, here.

Tentative plans for today include doing another greet and wave at State and Main this morning prior to boarding the Green Mountain Transit City Commuter bus for various stops on foot along Route 302 in Berlin, including having breakfast at a roadside establishment located on the border with Montpelier. Other plans for the remainder of the day are yet to be determined.

(photo taken by a neighbor)


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