2023 Roaming Santa Retrospective Wrap Up

Screenshot (via Montpelier Police Department [MPD] Facebook page).

My apologies, although I had meant to blog a retrospective post sooner than this in order to provide a final report and update concerning roaming Santa's Christmas Eve Day activities and observations, etc., I had ended up with a rather acute case of exhaustion that significantly sidelined me for a time. It has taken me a while to recover and, relatively speaking, begin to feel more rested.

Had gotten a somewhat late start on Christmas Eve Day (Sunday, December 24th) and was not able to get out and about until roughly an hour and a half or so after noontime, doing brief visits at certain downtown shops and stores here and there as well as warming up over a cup of coffee at the cafe across from City Hall for a time.

Afterwards, roaming Santa posed with two MPD police officers for a selfie that was later posted to the department's Facebook page.

Interspersed, roaming Santa also did various greet and waves at the usual Main and State Street location, having many photos and selfies taken by lots of people of all ages (young, old and in between), as well as their dogs, passing by on the sidewalk. It was often very busy as well as quite festive at times. 

Had also done lots of greeting and waving while roaming to and fro as well. In fact, my arms got a lot of exercise that day more than any other previously.

By the way, while dressed as roaming Santa last month (December 2023), besides the children who asked me if I was the real Santa (my reply to them was that they were real busy and I was just helping out), among the things that amused and was enjoyed the most was when grown women yelled from passing vehicles, I love you, Santa!

Then there was the middle school aged boy who tried to put their father on the spot by telling Santa about how his father advised him regarding why he should not drink coffee, to which Santa replied that his father was wise and he should listen to him.

Until next season!

-- Roaming Santa


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