Archived Video: Press Conference - End Homelessness Vermont (9/25/2024)

Archived Video: Press Conference - End Homelessness Vermont: Loss of Emergency Shelter for Hundreds of Vermont Households (via ORCA Media, via YouTube; Length: 47:08 minutes/seconds):


Related Press Release:

Media Advisory: Press Conference on Loss of Emergency Shelter for Hundreds of Vermont Households


Frank Knaack [...]

Brenda Siegel, [...], 410 227 3173

Lawmakers, Housing, Homelessness, Disability Organizations Raise Alarm about Loss of Emergency Shelter for Hundreds of Vermont Households 

Montpelier, VT – On Wednesday, September 25 lawmakers and representatives from Vermont housing and homelessness organizations will discuss how the implementation night and hotel caps within the General Assistance Emergency Housing Program have and will continue to result in the loss of emergency shelter for hundreds of Vermont’s most vulnerable households. Organizations will also make specific policy recommendations to mitigate this crisis.

  • What: Press Conference on Loss of Emergency Shelter for Hundreds of Vermont Households 

  • Who: Shelby Lebarron, GA Emergency Housing Task Force Member (representative of   people with lived experience)

Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, City of Burlington, VT

Brenda Siegel, End Homelessness Vermont 

Frank Knaack, Housing and Homeless Alliance of Vermont (HHAV)

Julie Bond, Good Samaritan Haven

Additional speakers to follow

  • When: Wednesday, September 25 11:30 AM 

  • Where: Vermont State House Steps, Vermont State House, Montpelier, VT


The Housing and Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV), a merger of the Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness and the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition, unites the voices from the housing and homelessness fields and leverages the expertise of its over 60 member organizations to work toward a future in which all people living in Vermont have safe, stable, affordable homes and if homelessness occurs, it is brief, rare, and non-recurring. This includes the full spectrum of the affordable housing landscape, from rentals to homeownership, from shelter to subsidies and services, from new development to sustaining existing housing, and so much more. For more information on HHAV, visit

End Homelessness Vermont lived experience led, trauma informed End Homelessness Vermont is a Lived Experience Expert led organization that works toward the goal of ending poverty and disability discrimination and homelessness in Vermont. We provide a data-driven safety net to the safety net that is trauma-informed and rooted in compassion, empathy and Housing First principles. 

For more information visit

News Media Coverage

Related Published Commentary:

Read a related blog post concerning these and related matters (via Vermont Political Observer), here.

Read a related blog post of mine, here.

Informational Resources:


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