Roaming Santa reports and updates (12/22nd & 12/23rd)

*Updated* (view update below)

First photo taken by a neighbor last weekend.

Due to getting a somewhat late start, it was not possible to do the tentatively planned greet and wave at the intersection of State and Main Streets on Thursday morning (December 21st). 

Instead, Santa boarded the Green Mountain Transit City mid-day commuter bus for various stops along Route 302 in Berlin, including having breakfast at a roadside restaurant located on the border with Montpelier.

The reception received at the restaurant was great as it was at the shelter for those living unhoused located down the road and also at a nearby pharmacy across the road where Santa went shopping for a personal item. 

Then, while waiting for the bus back to Montpelier on his way home, he did a few different greet and waves at various locations alongside the road as well. 

Once home, he took a break for a little bit before heading out again, doing a brief greet and wave at the intersection of Main and State Streets. 

Afterwards, Santa attended the homelessness candlelight vigil held on the steps of the Vermont State House honoring those living unhoused who have died.

Second photo (taken by Ken Russell; shared with permission): Roaming Santa out front of the Vermont State House on Thursday evening.

In case you missed it, check out the WCAX News story about the vigil, here.

Due to sorely needing to recover and rest much of Friday (December 22nd), Santa was not able to get out until later in the afternoon for a greet and wave at the intersection of Main and State Streets. However, because of the cold, Santa sought refuge inside for a time at a business located at the intersection, where he had been kindly invited to seek warmth. He then went to a nearby cafe on Main Street located across from City Hall where he had a large hot coffee as well as a bowl of excellent Dal soup. 

Continuing the greet and wave again, while waiting for potential transportation, Santa bumped into someone he knew who, after taking a selfie with them, gave him a ride to a community center located on Barre Street so he could attend the weekly Friday night supper held there.

While walking toward downtown, prior to heading back home, Santa visited with a couple of very dear friends as well as also paid a visit to a mental health residence, located on Barre Street, operated by Washington County Mental Health Services (WCMHS).

Tentative plans for Saturday (December 23rd) and Sunday (December 24th, Christmas Eve Day), are yet to be determined, however Santa does plan to get out and about both days.

By the way, the Santa suit and related accessories that had been kindly loaned for this holiday season has since been generously gifted to the roaming Santa for him to keep and use for future years.

*Update*: After getting a ride by a good samaritan in order to visit folks living at an outdoor encampment of tents within town this morning (Saturday, December 23rd), Roaming Santa tried hitchhiking his way back to downtown Montpelier. Failing to hitch a ride, however, he called his lifeline, a kindly neighbor, who came out and provided him with a ride in a timely fashion.

Third photo taken by a resident of the encampment.

He then did another greet and wave at the intersection of Main and State Streets, had a free hot chocolate in front of city hall and, feeling the need for additional warmth, went across the street to the cafe for a large coffee and to tarry for a while indoors. Afterwards, he did another greet and wave at the usual location, before heading home for the rest of the day. Each of the downtown greet and waves were very busy as well as quite festive, with lots of photos of and with Santa taken by those on foot as well as honking horns and waves from folks in passing vehicles.


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