'Tis the Season

After sending her a recent photo of my cat Cleopatra (Miss Cleo) and myself taken using the laptop computer, my sister shared the photo with her co-workers and they thought I looked like a good Santa. My sister thinks that I should keep my beard as well as a mustache and not shave off the beard or trim either as I had planned for when my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter is to visit me this week. She thinks that my three and a half year-old granddaughter might enjoy having her Opa (i.e., grandfather) look like Santa (first photo). Have since decided to keep the facial hair as is (Mountain Man Santa, like in the old Holiday card one of my cousins sent me years ago; second photo).

Had put out word yesterday morning that I was seeking the use of a Santa suit. Not too long after, someone who I texted about it had offered me the loan of a full Santa suit that also comes with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses as well as a Santa sack for presents & the like (third and fourth photos). 

My current plan is to greet my granddaughter and her parents upon their arrival in Montpelier dressed up as Santa.


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