Current Reading of Mine: Books on Quakerism

Had ordered three used hard copy books on Quakerism earlier this month (via Thrift Books) and, after receiving two of the books on Saturday (February 17th), received the third one yesterday (Thursday, the 22nd).

The latter book is Quaker Faith and Practice (second edition; 1999; fifth edition available, here): The book of Christian discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain.

Excerpts from the Introduction (last two paragraphs): 

We are seekers but we are also the holders of a precious heritage of discoveries. We, like every generation, must find the Light and Life again for ourselves. Only what we have valued and truly made our own, not by assertion but by lives of faithful commitment, can we hand on to the future. Even then, we must humbly acknowledge that our vision of the truth will, again and again, be amended.

 In the Religious Society of Friends we commit ourselves not to words but to a way

To that, I simply say, Amen! 

The other two books are The Quaker Reader (selected and introduced by Jessamyn West; 1992 edition, Pendle Hill Publications, here) and The Faith and Practice of the Quakers (by Rufus M. Jones; third printing, Friends United Press, 2007; also available via Google Books, here).

While recently doing further online searching for additional books and reading on Quakerism, I also came across the Friends Library (there is even a downloadable app available, here).

Photos (in order of appearance): Front cover of Faith and Practice book (second edition); back cover of same; The Quaker Reader; The Faith and Practice of the Quakers.

If you have not already come across and read it yet, check out my earlier blog post concerning spiritual matters, here.


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