Misdelivered Packages

Attached image (screenshot of post):

Earlier this evening, after browsing the three editions of Montpelier's Front Porch Forum (FPF) posted today (Monday, February 26, 2024), I noticed a very brief post posted within the top of the third edition -- under the category of lost and found -- about how a package had been misdelivered to the wrong address. It was the correct number listed for the address, but had been delivered to the wrong street. Having known the person who the package was addressed to and intended for, I texted and emailed them to provide the person with a heads up concerning it. They texted me back later, thanking me. This brought to mind an old, humorous, FPF post of mine posted on the subject of misdelivered packages a couple of years ago (circa: January 2022):

Text of post (excerpted; copied and pasted):

After reading lots of posts posted to this particular forum over the years and also recently concerning misdelivered packages as well as having seen many delivered to my apartment building obviously addressed to persons and addresses elsewhere (whether via FedEx, UPS or the USPS, et al), it finally came to mind this evening about the possibility of how this could be an intentional effort on the part of these delivery companies to help bring community members together by having them attempt to reach out to each other and get the packages delivered the last mile or two.


Nah, not really.


;-> (wink and grin)


(with apologies if someone else has already previously posted something along these same lines)

Ahh, the gift that keeps on giving!


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