Last Words

Update: Please view a related note of mine at the bottom of this post.

Although not necessarily contemplating death or consciously attempting to be morbid, ... : 

If and when my body eventually dies at some point and my spirit should depart this Earth for the heavens or wherever else one's spirit goes upon their physical death, instructions of mine included within my Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (DPOA/HC) states that there not be an obituary authorized or published. 

However, should there still be an obituary authored and published, notwithstanding my stated instructions concerning the same, I would prefer it read something along the lines of being more of an epitaph, for the most part, than be the usual obituary (after listing my name as well as date of birth and death, etc.), as follows:

He was born, he died. 

In between, he lived life on his own terms, as best he could. 

Therefore, while he would have liked to have done much more, particularly on behalf of others who are most in need, including those who live unhoused (aka live homeless), he had no regrets. Neither should anyone else (have any regrets), as concern him. Move on. He has (since moved on). 

Enough said. 

That stated, besides various caring family members, friends and neighbors of his who are either still among the living or had departed prior to him, he is survived by his cat, Cleopatra (Miss Cleo). 

His one, final, wish is that she be adopted and taken in by someone who will appreciate and value her as well as take very good care of her as he had and as Miss Cleo well deserves. 

With that accomplished, his spirit can then wander the galaxy of space and time as well as better rest in peace.

Thank you in advance.


First photo: Miss Cleo and her human, sitting in one of the apartment building stairwells, with her laying atop his lap, getting some sorely needed sunshine on a cold Winter's day.

Second photo: Miss Cleo, wanting either more food, treats or some attention.

Third photo: Cleopatra (Miss Cleo), as featured in two Central Vermont Humane Society (CVHS) calendars (currently hanging on the inside of the bathroom door): 

Top CVHS calendar cover: Miss June 2022; bottom CVHS monthly calendar cover: Miss April 2024.

Note (in answer to some personal inquiries received by some who had expressed concern):

If this blog post of mine has raised concerns, there have been some recent deaths of people I knew, so it got me thinking about these and related matters a bit, that's all. In addition, I had recently read an obituary penned by someone who knew they were going to die because of a terminal illness and it got me thinking about it even more. No, I have not been experiencing either a sense of personal crisis or suicidal ideation. Not to worry, I am doing relatively okay. Please rest assured that I will continue to try to take care of myself as best I can, including because of both Miss Cleo as well as my granddaughter and others in my life. However, even then, some things are oftentimes out of our control. Otherwise, all is well with Miss Cleo and me.

(update posted: Monday, March 18, 2024 at 4:54 PM (EST)


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