Vermont Total Solar Eclipse Naked Watch Party


Screenshot: Vermont total solar eclipse path map

Vermont Total Solar Eclipse Naked Watch Party

Among the various watch parties being held on Monday, April 8th in communities across the entire path of the total solar eclipse within Vermont, will be ones where residents and visitors would be gathering outdoors in order to view the celestial event wearing nothing except their solar eclipse viewing glasses.

For those not already in the know, although disrobing in public is not legal, nor is lewd or lascivious behavior, as long as one disrobes in the privacy of one’s home, lodging or other indoor establishment or facility before exiting, it is legal in Vermont to go around bare naked in public.

Since for many, this is a once in a lifetime event, there are those who are planning on making it an even more memorable one by being naked during it.

Besides, except for before as well as afterwards, while wearing their solar eclipse viewing glasses during the event, it is not like anyone will be noticing those who are not wearing anything else. 

No, not really! 

Had only wished that this came to mind last week, for April Fool’s.

Consider this as being a belated April Fool’s Day joke of mine.

Monday, April 8, 2024



View Montpelier's Total Solar Eclipse 2024 from the college green:


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