Lost Cat in Montpelier (Vermont)

Lost Cat in Montpelier (Vermont): 

If you live or work in Montpelier, please keep an eye out for Washington, the Cat. He had moved into a new home a couple of months ago after his human had died and was adopted by someone else. He had been kept inside for the last couple of months, however managed to get outside last night.

If you come across him, please contact me, via direct message (email). Please include location details as well as, if possible, take photo(s) so it can be determined if it is him.

Thank you in advance.


  1. Washington the cat has been found and is now safe and safe at home (i.e., his home for these past two months).

    From what I understand, he was found wandering over on Barre Street where he had previously lived prior to Roger, his former human (who passed away two months ago), having adopted him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. By the way, around midnight last evening it dawned on me that the cat traps set for Washington the cat might still be out there, so after texting his new human as well as someone I know who lives at the cat's prior apartment building complex and not hearing back from either person, I went out a couple hours later in order to check on each of the traps to make sure that they were not occupied or still set. Two of the traps were already tripped and unoccupied and one had still been set and so I triggered it closed. This way, there would be no poor animals needlessly trapped and left unattended for a while. Case closed.


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