Illegitimi Non Carborundum (“Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down”)

Photo: Person living unhoused outdoors resting on a bench in Montpelier, the capital city of Vermont (photo shared with the direct consent of the person pictured; image credit: Morgan W. Brown).


Illegitimi Non Carborundum

(mock-Latin aphorism;

aka Dog Latin)

(Mock Translated:

“Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down”)

Somewhat related quote

(for the purposes of this particular essay):

In human rights and peacemaking, it's really about having a solid concrete goal - the reduction of human suffering somewhere in the world - and then doing what is required to get that goal achieved. 

   – John Prendergast

For those who are living unhoused outdoors (aka living homeless outdoors), as well as those who will soon be evicted from the state hotel/motel program or already have been, whether it is recognized and then acknowledged or not, a state of emergency has existed, with most having nowhere else to go for shelter (save for congregate shelters, where these might exist with limited numbers of beds, in certain cases).

To them (my peers), as well as to those working tirelessly hour upon hour, day after day in homeless shelters as well as other human service providers who have been working hard across Vermont, as well as to those activists, advocates and citizens who have been working hard in an attempt to meaningfully address these and related matters in various ways in order to end homelessness (both on an individual basis as well as systemic level), I say, Illegitimi Non Carborundum (“Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down”).

Although I have since retired from volunteer activism and advocacy work, because I never said that I would stop caring, my thoughts have been with you and will continue to be. 

When inspired as well as needed, when able (depending upon the state of my health at the time), I will continue to speak out, write and blog posts in order to help encourage as well as support those living unhoused as well as those working to support them.

What you can do:

For those seeking to provide assistance as well as support to those most in need, please consider contacting the local homeless shelter or other human service provider in your area in order to learn what would best help, whether in terms of making donations (whether material or financial) or inquiring about volunteer opportunities.

Another available statewide resource for those living unhoused, as well as for those seeking to assist and support them, is End Homelessness Vermont:

End Homelessness VT is currently working to assist people who are experiencing unsheltered and sheltered homelessness in Vermont. Recently a large number of Vermonters were unsheltered from motels by the State of Vermont and we are working to support our neighbors and community members with resources, direct aid and more. We also provide support through the initial voucher and renewal process when people are having a problem getting renewed or are wrongfully removed from the cohort. [...]

A statewide advocacy resource is the Housing and Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV):

The Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV) will work toward a future in which all people living in Vermont have safe, stable, affordable homes and if homelessness occurs, it is brief, rare, and non-recurring. This includes the full spectrum of the affordable housing landscape, from rentals to homeownership, from shelter to subsidies and services, from new development to sustaining existing housing, and so much more.

Yet another statewide resource is Pathways Vermont:

Pathways Vermont’s mission is to end homelessness in Vermont and provide innovative mental health alternatives.

In addition, if you haven’t previously done so, please consider speaking out to your local state legislators as well as city council or town select board members as well as penning and submitting for publication letters to the editor or op-ed commentary on why it is imperative to end homelessness and how best to do so. If you haven’t already done so, check out the Vermont Advocacy Resource Toolkit.

Read a recent somewhat related blog post of mine, here.


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