An Unreal World
When it comes to dreams, from my youth onward, I have never unnecessarily put much if any energy, faith, need or time in finding meaning, symbolism, nor a message in them; because, for me, sometimes a dream is only that, a dream, merely something to entertain us while we are asleep, nothing more. However, whether or not there is meaning, symbolism or a message to be ascertained from a particular dream, I have always found it best to not allow it to overly dominate my thoughts or behavior one way or another. Instead, I might sometimes allow it to slowly brew on the backburner within my mind and, if there is something pertinent to eventually be applied, use it to help be an informational guide concerning how, where and when it could be needed either at the moment or somewhere down the road. In addition, having long been a fan of quality science fiction (sci-fi) books and movies, it is no surprise that during my sleep this morning I found myself in the midst of what could be defined as a ...