
Showing posts from December, 2023

An Unreal World

When it comes to dreams, from my youth onward, I have never unnecessarily put much if any energy, faith, need or time in finding meaning, symbolism, nor a message in them; because, for me, sometimes a dream is only that, a dream, merely something to entertain us while we are asleep, nothing more. However, whether or not there is meaning, symbolism or a message to be ascertained from a particular dream, I have always found it best to not allow it to overly dominate my thoughts or behavior one way or another. Instead, I might sometimes allow it to slowly brew on the backburner within my mind and, if there is something pertinent to eventually be applied, use it to help be an informational guide concerning how, where and when it could be needed either at the moment or somewhere down the road. In addition, having long been a fan of quality science fiction (sci-fi) books and movies, it is no surprise that during my sleep this morning I found myself in the midst of what could be defined as a ...

Roaming Santa report, update & wishlist (12/24th)

First photo taken by a neighbor last weekend. For those who might have missed it, after posting the previous days reports and updates (12/22nd and 12/23rd), there was a follow-up update posted and also later edited, regarding Saturday’s events and related matters, as well, here . As had been previously mentioned in yesterday’s report and update, tentative plans for today (Sunday, December 24th), Christmas Eve Day, are yet to be determined, however Roaming Santa does plan to get out and about when he is able to do so. Second photo (taken by Ken Russell; shared with permission): Roaming Santa out front of the Vermont State House on Thursday evening. Roaming Santa’s Wish List : Recently, during one of the greet and waves in downtown Montpelier, Santa had asked someone what they wanted for Christmas and, after answering, the person asked him what he wanted as well. After pausing to think about it for several seconds, the reply was that what the person had mentioned sounded good to him too....

Roaming Santa reports and updates (12/22nd & 12/23rd)

* Updated * (view update below) First photo taken by a neighbor last weekend. Due to getting a somewhat late start, it was not possible to do the tentatively planned greet and wave at the intersection of State and Main Streets on Thursday morning (December 21st).   Instead, Santa boarded the Green Mountain Transit City mid-day commuter bus for various stops along Route 302 in Berlin, including having breakfast at a roadside restaurant located on the border with Montpelier. The reception received at the restaurant was great as it was at the shelter for those living unhoused located down the road and also at a nearby pharmacy across the road where Santa went shopping for a personal item.  Then, while waiting for the bus back to Montpelier on his way home, he did a few different greet and waves at various locations alongside the road as well.  Once home, he took a break for a little bit before heading out again, doing a brief greet and wave at the intersection of Main and St...

Roaming Santa Report & Update (12/21st)

As had been tentatively planned, Santa went roaming on the streets of Montpelier, beginning early yesterday morning (Wednesday, December 20th), including having a light breakfast at one of the establishments located on the other side of the Winooski River prior to standing at the intersection of Route 2 and 12 (Main and Memorial Streets) greeting and waving to those passing by either by vehicles for a time and then once again at the intersection of State and Main Streets. Afterwards, Santa randomly roamed downtown here and there, stopping into a downtown establishment for a hot chocolate and also took lunch at the community meal site again. With that under his belt, he went down State Street, stopping into various places along the way, including visiting the State House and elsewhere here and there around downtown, before standing for another greet and wave at State and Main. As was the case the previous day, the reception received by those interacted with was quite encouraging and oft...

Roaming Santa Report and Update

As had been initially planned, Santa went roaming on the streets of Montpelier, going to several different locations across downtown, beginning late yesterday morning and throughout much of the afternoon (Tuesday, December 19th). Location site visits included an office, the local food pantry and the community meal site as well as some businesses, eateries, banks, stores and the like. Later on, there was a greet and wave held at the intersection of Main and State Streets for those passing by either in vehicles and bicycles or on foot for a time. The reception received by those interacted with was quite encouraging and oftentimes festive as well as spirited. Several photos of or with Santa were taken. In case you missed it, fyi: Photos posted on Instagram: Montpelier Guy’s Farm and Yard, here ; Montpelier Alive, here ; Photo: Santa Shopping (via Times Argus ), here . This morning (Wednesday, December 20th), the tentative plan is to get an early start and go across town for a light breakf...

Heads Up: Roaming Santa Spreading Good Cheer & Holiday Spirit

Just a heads up to let folks know about how, weather permitting (i.e., when it is not raining), there will be a Santa randomly roaming the streets around town as well as local area at various times throughout each day during this week, through the late afternoon or possibly even early evening of Christmas Eve Day, to share and spread both good cheer as well as good will in the spirit of the holiday.   Those who would like to have photos taken of either themselves, their family members, pets, co-workers or friends with Santa are welcome to do so, free (no charge; however, please make sure to bring along a camera or a cell phone that has a camera, because Santa won't have one on him to do so). When they are able to do so and although no promises can be made, depending on their availability, they also hope to visit those places that will welcome him, whether it be businesses, offices or facilities and the like.  Background: Someone graciously loaned the Santa suit and accessories...

'Tis the Season

After sending her a recent photo of my cat Cleopatra (Miss Cleo) and myself taken using the laptop computer, my sister shared the photo with her co-workers and they thought I looked like a good Santa. My sister thinks that I should keep my beard as well as a mustache and not shave off the beard or trim either as I had planned for when my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter is to visit me this week. She thinks that my three and a half year-old granddaughter might enjoy having her Opa (i.e., grandfather) look like Santa (first photo). Have since decided to keep the facial hair as is (Mountain Man Santa, like in the old Holiday card one of my cousins sent me years ago; second photo). Had put out word yesterday morning that I was seeking the use of a Santa suit. Not too long after, someone who I texted about it had offered me the loan of a full Santa suit that also comes with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses as well as a Santa sack for presents & the like (third and fourth photos)....